Cosmetic solution can be provided by PFCT Machinery. We are good at the machineries to make liquid or semi-solid cosmetics. Such as creams, lotions, gels, etc..

In the cosmetics industry, high hygiene and quality standards are essential prerequisites for manufacturing competitive products.
PFCT is a recognised expert when it comes to developing and producing liquid or semi-solid cosmetics. Our rich know-how and several decades of experience – both with formulations and in the manufacture of machinery and equipment – are benefits you can’t afford to overlook. We see a partnership with you as an exciting win-win situation and an efficient way to do business. With our wide range of machines and equipment, we’re confident of meeting your hygienic, quality and productivity requirements whatever the application, from extremely fine comminution of colouring particles to the homogenization of creams and lotions.
PFCT Machinery provide:
- High Shear Mixing
- Blending
- Emulsifying
- Homogenizing
- Dispersing
- Suspending
- Solid / Liquid Dispersing
- Solid / Liquid Blending
- Droplet Size Reduction
- Particle Size Reduction
- Pulping
- Neutralizing
- Polymerizing
- Dissolving
- Pulp Disintegrating
- Extracting
- De-agglomeration
- Shear-pumping
- Reaction Acceleration
- Creams
- Shower gels
- Hair care products
- Lotions
- Shaving cream
- Bubble baths
- Soap
- Shampoos
- Sunscreen
- Lipsticks
- Mascara
- Flavourings
- Deodorants
- Perfume